Aiming the dart
Still, I didn't have time to visit Notre Dame. That's fine, I have an excuse to come back, Paris.
Won two awards as the first runner up and employee's favorite
Thank God!
Look at those cute foxes!
Fox Village, Yamagata
Ski day with Maruyama Lab! Ski 101 with sensei yay
Strolled in Kyoto with exchangers and wore pretty yukata
Poster presentation day, supported by noisy and witty lab mates *miss y'all! Altho uni and lab life was a bit difficult but we party hard as well lol
HIMEJI JO! My brother, Steven brought me there for a day trip. What a fascinating original Japan castle.
Life been so hectic.
Returned from Japan then facing the overlapped semester.
Rushing the thesis' experiments with the new environment, feels like studying a new major for a semester only lol.
Yet, life's been so great with lovely people surrounds me.
And I cant wait to have my graduation day this August and start over a new chapter of my life.
Have a fruitful Sunday, everyone!
Chapter of Happiness
Life has been so great with these uncertainties.
I joined competition with my friend, Nabila, and we won for national and East Asia-Japan regional round then, we will be regional representatives for global round on September in Paris, France! Can't wait to be back and must-this-time-visit Notre Dame hoho, wish us luck!

Then, I am having my research internship in The Hong Kong Univesity of Science and Technology for two months, actually it used to be three but I have to prepare the mentorship for the upcoming competition hoah. I am really really happy that I fulfill my promise to visit my lovely candy, Betty!
I love this city, moving in dispatch and easy to go anywhere, I spent my weekend with Betty, Chun Ling, Congki and Ci Gabby tasting lot of delicious food nomnomnom and at last visited this famous and pretty Victoria Harbour where we can feel HK atmosphere haha, happy happy days. And also my Uni here is so beautiful with its seaside view, just can't miss every single sunset (can't wake up on sunrise lol). Friendly friends at campus although the research topic so difficult yet interesting to be learned


And I got an announcement that I am awarded JASSO Scholarship in Tohoku Univesity for next semester, Will meet Even really soon happy happy yay it's worth to wait, I've been trying to apply for academic exchange since I was in my 3rd semester and just accepted in this 7th and while my bro is there, so miraculous...
"For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing, it is the gift of God." - Ephesians 2:8 
AIESEC to Romania - Part 1 - Preparation
Hai! 3 minggu yang lalu gw baru balik dari Timisoara, Romania for volunteering exchange with AIESEC. So, I want to share my experience. So, this post will tell you wht I did for my preparations before going there.
Okay, jadi ceritanya gw interview via skype sama mereka terus pas udah keterima LET'S GO Project in Timisoara, Romania dan gw harus nunggu invitation letter dari embassy Romania buat bikin visa (yang lama banget nunggunya tapi harus di follow up terus). Nah, kedubes Romania di Indo ada di Menteng, sebelah JEC. Berhubung dokter mata gw dari kecil di JEC jadi udah biasa kesana hoho cara gampangnya bisa banget naik kereta ke Cikini terus tinggal jalan lewat gang yang ada The Heritage Hotel hehehe, sampe deh. I had a bad experience pas bikin visa. Gw kesana sampai 4 kali, karena yang pertamaa without announcement embassynya tutup dan mereka cuma buka seminggu 3 kali, pokoknya semua harus dicek online dulu kalau mau buat visa. Kedua kesana, TUTUP LAGI. Akhirnya udah takut banget gak sempet berangkat karena udah duluan beli tiket pesawat dan gak pasti nih kapan visa bakal jadi, ternyata ketiga kesana bikin walau kena omel-omel (P.S. Mr. nya agak galak dan tegas huhu) dan jadi dalam waktu 2 hari! Rabu kesana Jumat lsng jadi yayyyy hahaha tapi bikinnya penuh perjuangan, I did it all by myself (ohoho so proud) dan pas itu H-1 UAS Thermodynamics! Gak sampai situ, karena koper gw yang super gede itu bokap nyokap gak bolehin naik kereta dari Bucharest ke Timisoara, jadi gw langsung beli connecting flight Jkt-KL-Frankfurt-Munich-Timisoara haaaa so tired banyak bgt trasitnya. Oh iya! sebelum buat visa harus buat asuransi juga, dulu gw buat sendiri ke Mal Ambassador hehe 1 jam langsung jadi yayy. Nah, karena gw transit 2x di Schengen Area jadi harus punya Schengen visa, dan karena transitnya di Jerman jadi gw buatlah visa Schengen di kedubes Jerman di seberang GI hehehe. Itu juga lumayan cepat dan akhirnya berangkat tanpa harus reschedule flight yayy so lucky!!! And once again, I did it all by myself by public transport, so proud
Harus banget nih beli souvenir yang banyak banyak hahaha karena dipakai banget pas global village, makanan kayak keripik-keripik gitu juga, kemarin gw bawa emping, kue gabus, peyek, tingting and they loveee it hahahaha! Dan perlu juga buat tuker-tukeran souvernir sama other EPs and team member and also for childrens(bcs my project is teaching elementary children) bisa juga nanti dijual pas global village esp batik batik hahahahaha. Bawa pakaian tradisional juga buat globvil dan.... BENDERA, kudu wajib mesti bgt hohoho. Disana chargernya sama kayak Indo jadi ga perlu adaptor hehehe, bawa sambel sachet juga hahaha soalnya makan disana kebab dan yang tradisional itu asam-asam huft. I went there in Winter, dan gw sarankan pas di Frankfurt atau transit dimanapun itu pakai longjohnnya, berangkat langsung pakai boots karena sampai disana gw gak pakai longjohn dan cuma selapis kemeja......langsung mimisan! Pas gw nyampe temperatur disana lagi dingin dinginnya -12 degree C....untung masih pake boots huhuhu. Pertama-tama pas mau berangkat kadang pengen batal aja karena repot banget huhu tp pas udah balik kesini, OMG it was truly once in a lifetime experience tht I wont ever forget! You'll know yourself more and your country as well and the great thing is you'll have friends from all around this world! And pieces of my heart now is spreading everywhere. 2015 begins really nice to me
Continue to Part 2.....