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Resolution for 2011
Tuesday, January 18, 2011 | 0 comments

Hhhh, longtime ga nge post.. males sihh haha cuma balesin cbox ajaa haha
okay, MY RESOLUTION for 2011 are......

1. Ranking 1 lagi AMIN
2. Banggain papa mama *so wise*
3. Nonton SS3 MALAYSIA GAMAU TAU!!! huhu Emotion 1 amin!
4. Rata-rata rapot naik Photobucket Photobucket amin!
5. Jalan-jalan sama CRENN *kangen banget* PhotobucketEmotion 2Q
6. Tinggi nambah 20 cm *muluk banget* tapi AMIN!
7. Hemat :D:D lol, duit jajan ditabung ke celengan haha
8. Hope this 2011 will be better than 2010 :) *ofc lah! Emotion 10
9. May luck happiness Emotion 14 health be with me&my family
10. Be with him :]Photobucket

Dear God, please read this post and make them come true, thanks God I will always believe in you, Goodnight my beloved Jesus